Thursday, November 3, 2011

Can the Cats/Griz Food Drive: Let the Games Begin!

November 5th marks the official start date of the 12th annual "Can the Cats/Griz" food drive: an off-field competition between UM and MSU to see which campus can collect the most food donations for their local food banks.  Campuses work with their local communities to get as many people as possible to donate non-perishable food items in addition to monetary donations, which they are accepting for the first time this year.

The drive culminates with the November 19th match-up between the MSU Bobcats and the UM Grizzlies, as the winning school is announced during halftime.  Last year's competition was a close one and the Cats just managed to come out on top at 27,000 pounds of non perishable foods with both campuses collectively gathering more than 40,000 pounds of food!!  While UM has made it clear that they are hungry for a win this year, MSU promises to provide some tough competition and have ambitiously set their goal at 32,000 pounds of food! Good luck to both campuses - win or lose you will succeed in making huge strides in your community's efforts to eliminate hunger!

Contributions of non-perishable food items can be dropped off at several locations throughout the Missoula community (for the Griz - of course) as well as various sites within the Bozeman area in support of the Cats. Furthermore, both efforts are collecting monetary donations which will be converted to pounds at a rate of $1.60 equaling one pound of food. For further information, contact Campus Corps leaders Alex Black (MSU) at or Shanna Ungate (UM) at

1 comment:

  1. Check out this article on Can the Griz from the Bozeman Daily Chronicle. Keep up the good work Bobcats!1
