Red Cross Campus Corps members and their leader Jill Washburn at this year's BEC Conference. Raina is in the center. |
This year Campus Corps has joined forces with the Red Cross of Montana to help make communities throughout the state better prepared for potential disasters. Working in such a large state with a variety of geographic regions, the Red Cross of Montana has stepped up to help communities deal with everything from severe flash flooding to forest fires to blizzards. With 8 Campus Corps members stationed at campuses throughout the state, Red Cross of Montana has equipped each with thespecific knowledge and skills needed to best assist the particular region in which they are serving.
While efforts are for the most part focused on equipping local communities to better deal with potential disasters, when disaster does strike, members are called upon to step up, and are asked to put their knowledge and skills into action. Raina Witherite, Campus Corps member at MSU-Great Falls, truly embodied the mission of the Red Cross this winter break when she travelled across the state to respond to a Montana community's call for help. Specifically, Raina courageously offered to be a part of the emergency crew that travelled to Browning, MT to provide disaster relief to the communities of northwestern Montana that were being devastated by forest fires.
MSU-GF Campus Corps leader, T.C. Knutson interviewed Raina to learn more about her experience in Browning. T.C. speaks very highly of Reina and shared that: "I am proud to have her on my Campus Corps team; she really knows what service to her community is". See what Raina had to say about her recent Red Cross experience and about volunteering in general:
Why do you enjoy working with the Red Cross?
“I like helping people, and it makes me feel all fuzzy inside.”
What was the most memorable thing about the Browning fires?
“When I first saw the fire, I knew it was something really big and affecting a lot of people. I knew I would be helping a lot of people.”
Why did you join Campus Corps?
“Because I really enjoy volunteering, and I knew that I would have a lot of volunteering opportunities with Campus Corps.”
What’s been your favorite volunteering activity so far?
“Working at the Heisey Soup Kitchen.”
Why is that?
“Because I’ve met a lot of really nice people there, and I can see the people I’m helping first hand and interact with them.”
What has been your most rewarding experience with the Red Cross so far?
“Probably when we went to Browning.”
“Because it was such a large scale disaster and I got to see all the disaster components of the Red Cross come together.”
What do you mean by "components"?
“Like all the SOUs and shelter surveys, and all the work they’ve been trying to get me to do, I can see now how it all works together and how it is used.”
Will you continue volunteering with the Red Cross?
“YEP! I’m excited to help more people in disasters!”
What do you find so interesting about people in disasters?
“They are so thankful that you are there. Most of the time they are really nice and willing to ‘help you help them’”